"Why do you like Liza Minnelli? What's the attraction?"
It comes up a million times and I give everyone the exact same answer that I am going to write here. If Liza asked me herself, "Why do you love me?", this is what she'd get.
Babies and animals love you unconditionally. They love you because you love them. You feed them, you care for them, you make sure they're alright. I love Liza unconditionally because she does all these things without even knowing me. She feeds me music that changes my life and alters my mood, She makes sure we all are happy with what she puts up onto the stage and she cares about our opinions. On a personal note, The warmth she gives to other human beings, the way she'd not afraid to hug someone in pain, how free spirited she is. She's the kind of person you could go up to and say "I have a problem. Can I tell you about it?" and she'd say "Sit".
I feel a huge connection with her because I've been where she's been. I've been at rock bottom before and she's helped me get back up again, without even knowing she's done it.
I try not to call myself a "fan". Even though this blog is titled "An intimate look at a
fan's devotion" I don't particularly like the word. I feel it's too harsh. I'm an adorer. I adore her.
I know that if I have a bad day, a really bad day, I can sit down and watch a interview and listen to her tell everyone how she stayed strong and she got through it and it helps me gain a little courage and face the problem I have at that time. She's the kind of person that would be your best friend or the mother you could only wish to have.
I guess a part of me, since I was a little girl, had wished that Liza had been my mom. I know it sounds strange but, even though I love my mother, she was never always completely there in mind. My mom has battled with Bipolar Disorder for 25 years and has been in and out of hospitals all my life. As a result of this, She would drink heavily, My brother and I carrying her to bed more often than not. My relationship with my mom deteriorated when I hit my teens and when many of my problems began although now that I am older, 21, our relationship has got back on track. I guess I wished that Liza was my mother, Not because she was famous and rich but because I felt I had an emotional connection with her. A overwhelming feeling of love and all I wanted to do was protect her. Eight years old and I wanted to protect a woman I had never met but who I had such a deep connection with. I often thought about the year I was born and that, had I been Liza's daughter, it would have been in her marriage to Mark.
Having met Liza four times in the past year and a half, I have got more of an understanding of the kind of person she is. She truly is the most remarkable, strong and independant woman I have ever met. A truly willful and positive person. A lover not a fighter. She shows dedication, timeless effort and is an absolute phenomenon. Without her in my life, I would have no substance. A good way to explain it is if you are a Christian or a Catholic. You follow the bible as your guide. You turn to it for stability, for growth, to live your life. Liza is my bible. She gives me substance and order in my life and I know I can overcome many fears and problems. Because I know I have her wisdom to look at. I know I have her words.